
TuscanHillside-RetreatToTuscanyCiao, Bella!

I’m warning you now, this is NOT just a vacation. Retreat to Tuscany is an experience that will stir every emotion within you. It will forever change you, if you let it.

There is an application. There are three months of group coaching leading up to the Retreat. And after it’s over, there is integrative work that you will do individually and with the amazing women you will form lifetime relationships with. Some of this work isn’t easy. But I promise you it will be transformational.

Why the application and group coaching exercises before, during and after?

My personal solo journey through the southern hills of Tuscany in early 2017 changed me. I experienced breakthroughs, healing, and a deep inward connection. I found an opportunity to quiet the chatter that was holding me back from living my best life. The vulnerability that I experienced allowed me to reconnect with my past self while being very present, and set powerful intentions for moving my life forward during a critical period of transition.

No one was invited on that trip. In fact, for weeks I kept this crazy little secret (that I had just booked a 15-day trip to Tuscany, alone, without knowing where I was going to stay or what I was going to do while I was there!) to myself. I felt guilty and maybe even a little scared about taking a trip half way around the world by myself! I also felt guilty about spending the money (which at the time, I didn’t have!) and leaving my family, clients and life behind for more than 2 weeks. And to be honest, I wasn’t even clear on my big “WHY” for booking this trip 6 months out. All I knew was that I was being pulled back to Tuscany to do some important personal work, which was going to be scary and hard. But I knew I had to go. I had been talking about it for almost 10 years, and I was tired of hearing myself say, “Someday, I’m
going to return to Tuscany….”

LeadershipJournal-RetreatToTuscanyWhen I arrived, I was overcome with emotion, daily. My heart cracked wide open and I was able to heal, find forgiveness, make important decisions about my future, with confidence and courage, and without justification or permission from anyone or anything else. And when I started feeling courageous enough about sharing some of my breakthroughs, I started to blog.

Women noticed. Many of them spoke up by sending me private message, writing public notes on my social media posts, and they wanted to know more. I found out that they wanted to share their stories with me. My truth resonated.

I realized that there was great purpose and opportunity in taking a Retreat like this that allows you to quiet the chatter and spend some valuable time with yourself, in a safe environment with a group of women who will help support and champion you through it all. And as I reflected on some of the exercises my Coaches have done with me in the past, through my studies at the Coaches Training Institute and with my personal Executive Coach, I began the process of putting together intentional and purpose-driven activities that will help us all maximize our Retreat experience before, during and after we travel together. What I’ve learned is that the exercises that helped me access my truth and find the courage to do my personal work over the past 20 years, personally and professionally, are also helping the women in my life who want change, transformation or breakthroughs of their own.

An interview with Theresa on the Tea and Chocolate podcast…


Some might actually call this a coaching exercise, as this is introspective work. It allows you to dig deep and articulate your personal “Why” for wanting to go on a retreat like this. It is a powerful process. It’s the only way I can assure that my program will provide an experience that is in alignment with your dreams, hopes and wishes for your future. If your “why” matches mine, I want to talk to you and discover if our retreat program is a good fit for you, or if you simply want to go on a vacation to Italy! (And I can help connect you with a tour guide or explore other options if this is the case).

Retreat to TuscanyIt takes a lot of courage to enroll in a program that involves an investment of your money, time and preparation to get there, and take yourself halfway around the world to live in a villa with a group of women you don’t know. Vulnerability, truth-telling and the ability to champion other women while they hold space for your own transformation and the work is not easy for many. But it provides a forum to create a deep bond, a sisterhood, and an inner circle of other incredible women who will come to know you deeply and strive to support you in a way no other relationship can support you. It’s spectacular to witness.


Three months before we arrive at Retreat, we begin monthly group coaching exercises that will help you set powerful individual and group intentions for an amazing retreat experience that will include:

  • Introductions that will give you a chance to get to know the other women you will be traveling with on a deep level, which will build alignment, safety and trust prior to traveling.
  • Focusing on LIFE BALANCE and share an activity that will shine the light on where you might be feeling “stuck” in your life when it comes to your allocation of time and activities, and whom you give it to. This group coaching exercise will help you create purposeful action for creating well being and more intentional balance in your life.
  • Connecting with your INNER ALLY – THE “INNER CHAMPION” AND LEADER IN YOU who compelled you to say “YES!” to Retreat to Tuscany. This inner ally has always been there as your #1 champion to serve you. She knows you like no one else does. Finding a process to access this ally and invite her to the table at Retreat is an important part of this process. This ally also acts a catalyst to making change for important transformation.


Once you arrive at Retreat, you will be ready to receive all that you will be given. Our program is designed to help you get into a playful and dream-like state, with your Inner Ally guiding you, through a week of unique and one-of-a-kind experiences, deep in the heart of southern Tuscany, with a team of locals who will awaken you and call you forth in powerful ways. The experiences will stir every emotion and pull you into a state of present joy, strategically  immersed in a village that takes you back in time.

It’s pure magic. As we “pass the rock” each evening and share our personal discoveries and breakthroughs, you will receive the gift of support and acknowledgement from the other women who share in your unique and special journey.


Reentry is hard. There is a mourning and a loss that the women describe to me following Retreat Week that longs for reconnection and continuation. When you find your “tribe” and you embrace the safety and love that our circle provides, you begin to cherish it and hold it sacred. When you return home, it can feel lonely and a bit isolating, because you yearn for the circle, the other women champions who shared your experiences and possibly witnessed your breakthroughs. It is precious and unlike anything I have ever experienced. Because of this, we offer Post-Retreat reunions.

RetreatToTuscanyReuniionsPOST-RETREAT REUNIONS

Staying connected through group video conference events, mini-reunions, and the annual all-member Reunion Retreat in Seattle, is a way to support you and keep you engaged. But for those desiring to make shifts in their life, personally and/or professionally, 1:1 coaching is also offered by Theresa.


Theresa offers a 5-Pack Integration Coaching program for anyone interested in making BIG life changes following the retreat, as well as advanced professional coaching for business owners and team leaders who are ready to up their game!

  •  Five-Pack 1:1 Personal Coaching Package: a deep dive revisit of the coaching journey and setting intentions for change
    • Five 90-minute Zoom Video-conference Sessions focused on your continued self-care and commitments from retreat discoveries, to use however you want
    • Help and support setting new intentions, creating boundaries, and making changes that will support your goals
    • Action Plans to help you get there, and accountability to move it forward
  • Advanced Leadership Professional Development Program: Theresa’s Signature Managing For Performance Leadership Development Program
    • 6 month Leadership Development Program to strengthen your leadership acumen and make powerful life shifts in your career and/or business, following your Retreat experience

(Please talk with Theresa directly for special pricing and offers on both packages listed above, if interested)

What was Theresa’s motivation for Retreat to Tuscany?

TresaLeftenantpngTheresa was a guest on the podcast “A Wealthy Life for Her” with Tresa Leftenant, CFP®, where she shares her own experience traveling to Tuscany, the impact it had on her and why she would like to share it with you. Please enjoy her interview “How Retreat to Tuscany – Women’s Retreat, reveals the transformative power of Women Supporting Women”

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  Hosted by Web Wizardry Works