May 2022 Retreat to Tuscany Update, are you ready to say yes to you?

May 2022 Retreat to Tuscany Update, are you ready to say yes to you?
I had the honor of being interviewed by Loren Spagnuolo on her podcast “Tea and Chocolate”. We talked about “The Journey Within Yourself” and how Retreat to Tuscany has become a life-changing experience
Thank you Kate Olson for a fun interview sharing everything Retreat To Tuscany. Wonderful retreats for Women only or Couples.
If I’ve learned nothing else from our Retreat to Tuscany program, it is that we all need community and a sense of belonging; belonging to a small special group of women that we share life-changing experiences with, belonging to a village that opened their hearts and lives to us and treated us like family, and […]
– A podcast from First Class Life featuring Theresa Calahan talking about the journey of discovering the leader in you…
Travel to a foreign land, full of love, acceptance and beauty. Rediscover your joy by reconnecting with that free-spirited 5-year-old girl, who so long ago was full of playful hope and wonder. Make new lifetime friends that feel like sisters. And begin the process of reinventing yourself.
As I board my flight to Rome and settle into my seat, I glance out the window and my emotions get the best of me. Not just because I am returning to this little slice of heaven in Tuscany that has captured my heart, but because of all the amazing women I get to share […]
Returning home from Tuscany, my 3rd trip back to this beloved region of Italy in the past 13 months, it’s beginning to feel like a second home for me. With much more intention and purpose behind this trip and 20 travel days, new discoveries emerged about myself, my work and my view of the world.
During my 15 days in Tuscany, I journaled daily, created stories through video and photos of my experiences, smiled under the Tuscan sun for countless hours daily, shed tears of joy and of loss from my past and was greeted daily with the discovery of new, and fell in love again in many ways. It […]